Initiate - significado y definición. Qué es Initiate
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Qué (quién) es Initiate - definición

Initiate (disambiguation); Initiate (album)

¦ verb ?'n???e?t
1. cause (a process or action) to begin.
2. admit formally into a society or group, typically with a ritual.
3. (initiate someone into) introduce someone to (an activity or skill).
¦ noun ?'n????t a person who has been initiated.
initiation noun
initiatory adjective
C16: from L. initiat-, initiare 'begin'.
·adj Unpracticed; untried; new.
II. Initiate ·noun One who is, or is to be, initiated.
III. Initiate ·vi To do the first act; to perform the first rite; to take the initiative.
IV. Initiate ·adj Begun; commenced; introduced to, or instructed in, the rudiments; newly admitted.
V. Initiate ·vt To acquaint with the beginnings; to instruct in the rudiments or principles; to Introduce.
VI. Initiate ·vt To introduce into a society or organization; to confer membership on; especially, to admit to a secret order with mysterious rites or ceremonies.
VII. Initiate ·vt To introduce by a first act; to make a beginning with; to set afoot; to Originate; to Commence; to begin or enter upon.
v. a.
Introduce, give entrance to.
Indoctrinate, instruct, teach.
Begin, commence, open, inaugurate, enter upon.



Initiate may refer to:

  • The Initiate, a 1920 series of three occult books by Cyril Scott
  • "The Initiate", a short story set in the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth collected in Four: A Divergent Collection
  • The Initiate, a novel in The Time Master Trilogy by Louise Cooper, 1985
  • The Initiate, a drama by Alexandra Wood, 2014
  • Initiate (Nels Cline Singers album), 2010
  • Initiate (Mervyn Spence album), 1995
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Initiate
1. and initiate Valkyrie. Initiate Valkyrie.
2. Initiate link.
3. Initiate Operation Valkyrie.
4. You don't initiate change.
Flex - The New Playbook for Managing Across Differences _ Audrey Lee _ Talks at Google
5. How do you initiate?
Living Your Life's Purpose _ Frederick Marx _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Initiate
1. Here, a bachelor‘s mother and sisters initiate the search.
2. It did not initiate its participation, it merely accepted.
3. News coverage led federal immigration authorities to initiate deportation proceedings.
4. Now the committee has exclusive authority to initiate criminal proceedings.
5. With no budget, however, his department cannot initiate planting projects.